Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Purple Tuesday

If we can have Black Friday, I hereby nominate the Tuesday before Thanksgiving "PURPLE TUESDAY".

It's purpose. Well, I plan on thinking about how AWESOME The Minnesota Vikings are. You do whatever you see fit to do with Purple Tuesday. Maybe it is going to the grocery store just to get some milk and snacks. Maybe it is drinking some grape Kool-aid or holding your breath until your lips turn... PURPLE!

#25 Have I mentioned my panic when I look at #25? Pay-off my credit card debt in JULY of next year?! WHAT?! I am really nervous. About what, exactly? Well, for 9 years, Tim and I have been in serious debt! It has been such a burden that we've pulled around with us.  I can barely believe that in 9 months - it will be GONE.  What does that mean for us? Freedom to save, freedom to buy new socks...

#29 is going great.  I won't go into the store without first sitting in the car & scribbling on an envelope or typing a list into my phone.  It totally helps the extra spending.  and when the kids ask for treats or extra things... I just say "It isn't on the list!"  Of course, one time, Hayley said... "MOOOM-IE! Just write it ON the list!"

#57 - SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Don't tell Tim! 
I cooked a half-vegetarian meal last week!  I mixed a half-pound of hamburger with a half-pound of soy-crumbles!  The girls gobbled up the dish & Tim liked it, too! 

#90 - I totally forgot! I kind of sort of did this! I went to see "Bert & Ernie: Good Night!" at the Children's Theatre Company in October!  We won tickets at the State Fair.  It was SO MUCH FUN.  The girls loved every minute of it.  They sat on the edge of their seats (or my lap) the whole time.  My mom came with and to be honest... the adults loved it just as much as the kiddos!  But I'm not satisfied with that being my #90.  I want to see a grown-up play.

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