Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24 2009 - Updates!

It has been really fun for me to tackle some of these challenges.  Really, if you break them down - they aren't very difficult.  Like the shredding of our papers.  I turned on Biggest Loser on Tuesday, sat there & shred (shredded?) papers.

I was super busy at work this week with some projects, and there was a large consignment sale in the area that I took part in.  I am SO excited.  I sold enough 'junk' at the sale to buy the girls each a big doll they want for Christmas!  I think I'm adding the JBF sale to my list.  I need to participate if I can.

Back to the List.

63.  Participate in Angel Tree or Shoeboxes (1/3)
This week, Hayley, Hannah  and I went to the dollar store and spent $10 and filled a box!  The girls had the final say on everything (except the toothbrushes).

22.   Shred all the papers in the 'SHRED' bag.
See above. I'm about half-way through.

24.   Spend at least 45 minutes each night cleaning.
I hate cleaning.  But I'm doing it.  Usually I get the trash, laundry, dishes taken care of.  or pick up the girls' room.  If I spent 5 hours on Sunday "cleaning" can that count for the WHOLE week?

97.  Read the Dr. Seuss children's collection to my children (2/66)
I tackled a couple others this week. SERIOUS sleeping pill for Hannah.  I love it.
The funny thing.  One book is called "I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today."  I am thinking... why would you want to lick a tiger & why would it take all day to lick 30 of them?  Yeah... HALF WAY through the book - I realized LICK = BEAT UP.  Geez.  I'm such a pacifist.

Ready for a Sara Lou Ramble?

83-1/2. This is a new entry on my list.  I realized I seem to be neglecting a few important members of my family.  I have on my list 'make quilts' for Devin & Mia... but Don & Shelley's kids are missing from my creative-pursuits.

I started a "tradition" with the Harriger Nieces when Alex turned 4 WAAAY back in 2000.
  I made her a quilt.  Then in 2002, I gave Cassie a quilt for HER 4th birthday...  I just presumed at the time, those would be the only 2 quilts I'd have to make.   But the Stork apparently got our parents' Christmas cards because....

Vinnie and Hayley were born in 2004Amelia was born in 2005Trinity & My Hannah arrived in 2006, Then Devin and Maggie came along in 2008.  And now there is little Saben in 2009.  Hmmm.  Our siblings weren't supposed to be so reproductive in such a short time!!

I know my mom quilts and she made quilts for Vinnie, Trinity & Maggie... and I made them taggies and a fleece.  But I don't want them to think Auntie Sara doesn't care!  Maybe I'll make them matching Easter Outfits next year! LOL! (Could you imagine?)

Actually - I THINK I could get away with just making the piggie-quilt for Mia & ending the quilt tradition. .  I gathered the Piggie fabric the second after I found out Tara was pregnant, so it was really more a quilt for TARA than the baby inside.  The boys can get HotWheels and Toy Guns

Did anyone read all that? I have a friend in Pennsylvania that will make you all Vegetarian Chili & deliver it to your doors if you did.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ten Days & Counting

I have survived *the list* for 10 days.  I have never been so busy!  It is awesome to see some progress.

The girls' closet is almost clear of any mommy stuff.  I moved the tub of 12-18month clothes yesterday.  I can't get myself to go through it.  One thing at a time.  Right now, my goal is the consignment sale and the shredding.

My mom's advice for many things in my life has been... "You/it didn't get this way in one day.  You can't expect it to be fixed in one day."  That was her motto for cleaning my room, sorting through junk, losing weight...  It is SUCH a good motto.  So much truth.  We (I) have been pack-ratting for 3 years. This is the longest Tim & I have lived in one location. 

I did discover that I have a little helper.  Hayley LOVES shredding.  Yes, I know it is dangerous, yes she'll shred her fingers off... and no she won't.  Her finger are much wider than 9 pieces of paper. Not to mention she's somewhat afraid of the automatic "sucking" in of the paper.   She'll squeel & let go giggling.  "Oh, mommy! That is SO FUNNY how the paper disappears! Lets do yellow now..."

One positive thing I have learned.  Dr. Seuss is better than any lullaby you could sing a kid.  The rhymey-sing-song nature of his writing is stronger than any sleep aid.  The first book knocked Hannah out before page 10.  The second book did its trick on Hayley -  and then Hannah cuddled up and fell right asleep at the end.  Now, maybe I should read them to TIm and he could fall asleep before 3AM.

Friday, October 16, 2009

*insert witty title here*

You'd think someone who excelled in creative writing, would be able to think of a witty, charming title for her blog-post.
I can't.  I think I'm pretty funny, but I'm not.

Here's how my week is going:

I finished my list! #1 has been crossed off!  I might consider replacing it with a "real" challenge in the future, but we'll see.

I updated the look of my blog, so when you go in, on the left-side you can link strait to the big list.  

#23 - I set up half of the filing cabinet & emptied 2 of the 4 boxes!  I can't believe how awesome it is to store my girls' toys in their own closet.
#30 - Tim chastised me for using "WallyWorld" to refer to WalMart.  He said no one calls it that.  He's wrong, because I am somebody & I call it WallyWorld.  So THERE >:P  If there was any confusion... WallyWorld = WalMart.
#33 - I think this will be easier than I thought it would be.  My Cousin Carrie & her family came yesterday & we went to Champps and the outlet mall.
#64 - I researched and learned how they figure you are donating rice to hungry people.  And I also learned that I can switch the subjects away from Vocabulary.  I am currently doing Countries on the Map.  Wow.  I really REALLY need to study European and Middle Eastern Countries.
#63 I picked up a box & label from Denise (my co-worker) & the girls & I will be hitting the dollar-store this weekend!  (I will wait until after Halloween when things aren't so... Halloween).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13: Progress Report

Last night, I accidentally tackled part of one of my 'chores'!  I was trying to store some toys away for the night & had to take a box out of the girls' closet.  Well.  I had two choices.  Put the box on top of the cabinet in my room, or... empty it.

Guess which one I did?!?!

Really? Would I be blogging about it if I just stashed it??

I went through!!!  Can anyone tell me if I NEED to keep the Time Warner cable bills from 2001 & 3 apartments ago?  Hope not!  It only took about 25 minutes.  I can't believe that if I just took a half-hour every night, I would have an emptied closet in 2 days. 

Tonight, I made Turkey Noodle soup with a recipe from the Camp Lebanon cookbook. (thank you Cheryl Lonski!) and "Granny's Chicken (turkey) Rice Squares". It was good.  I was kind of proud of Hayley.  She said, "Mommy.  This looks really good, but it doesn't taste good to me."  (of course - this was before she took a bite.)  Hannah practically licked her plate. (& Hayley's, too).

(Thank you, Monique, for showing me the rainbow font website!)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Officially Day Two

So, I'm stuck at 83 challenges.  I will have to stalk my friends' lists to find inspiration!

Day Two & so far I've done well!  I've prayed for my family & read to my daughters!!  I am finding children's authors I like and reserving all his/her books from the library.  Right now we are reading through Arnold Lobel's books.  He wrote "A Day with Frog & Toad"... Hayley LOVES a Turnaround Wind.  I find it a bit long & annoying, BUT it is a CHILDREN's book, not a MOMMY's book.

I counted my date on Friday with Tim as this month.  My parents took H&H overnight!  They haven't spent the night there since last spring sometime (Read: before motorcycle riding season! LOL).  We went to Doolittles Woodside Grille in Golden Valley and then watched "August Rush" for the first time.  I cried.  Tim cried.  We both want a sequel.  For some dumb reason, my body decided it was a work day on Saturday & woke me up at 7:30am.  HELLO BODY!  No children, no responsibilties, a nice warm bed... snow outside.

I counted my date with my "cyber" friend Jill as my "friend" outing... I cheated a little because we went out on Tuesday night.  We went to Champps in Maple Grove and watched innings 6-11 of the Twins vs. Tigers!  Unfortunately for Jill... she was born in Detroit.  On Saturday (10/10) I went out with my "real-life" friend, Aimie, and our four children. I guess that counts, right?  I love my girl friends. :) I could go out with someone every night if I had a million dollars.

Anytime I feel like increasing a number, I go to  It is fun and I can update my list! LOL  I'm not sure if I am actually donating rice to a hungry family, but I have fun doing it AND I increase my vocabulary!

I can get a little stressed out considering my list & how I MUST finish it by the end of the year.  I have to constantly remind myself that this is a 1001 day challenge.

I have been in the kitchen today - baking a turkey!  So, now  I am going to turn that turkey into a couple Hot-Dishes (Casseroles for you non-Minnesotans).  I will write an update later in the week!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


My List
Projected Start Date: 10-10-2009
Projected End Date: 7-07-2012

1001 Days
145 Weeks
33 Months
66 "Twice a Month"
For the Sake of being a Responsible Adult:
1.  Develop a list of 101 things I need to accomplish! (101/101)
2.  Recycle my recyclables for 2 weeks each month. (0/72 weeks) 
3.  Volunteer in Children's Ministries on a "committed" schedule.
4.  Vote in both major elections (0/2)
5.  Take two afternoons to sit with Hayley's PreSchool class 
     (09-10 year) 

6.  Find volunteer opportunities Hayley will have in Kindergarten.  
     Put that goal *here* in 2010.
7.  Find volunteer opportunities Hayley will have in 1st Grade. 
     Put that goal *here* in 2011.
8.  Find volunteer opportunities Hannah will have in PreSchool. 
     Put that goal *here* in 2011. 
9. Renew or return all library materials ON TIME for 1001 days.
       I gave up! I have high hopes of trying, but BIG BUST! LOL!
10.   Go through the baby clothes ~ 
        Store the "keepers" and donate the rest. (2/5 tubs)

For the Sake of our Living Space/Condo:
11.   Go through all the adults' "too-small" clothes.
12.   Keep the kitchen table cleaned off for one month So, we replaced the table! we now have a small square table with 2 drop-leaves that make it larger. It is SO much easier not to pile it high because it is sooo small! LOVE IT!
13.   Fix or Replace the disposal in the kitchen sink. Thank You Dad!
14.   Get the 1/4-Round pieces from dad and actually install them.Thank You Dad!

15.   Replace the floor-lamps in the living room.
16.   Clean out the "plastic drawers" in my bedroom. (1/3)
17.   Start saving $ to update things in preparation for moving.
18.   Develop a cleaning/chores schedule for Tim and I to follow.
19.   Develop a list of priorities in a house. (absolute deal-breakers)
20.   Develop a wish-list of things in a house 
    (dream things, not necessary, but "I Want".)
21.   Dare I say... Start looking for a house seriously?!
22.  Shred all the papers in the 'SHRED' bag.
23.  Set up the filing cabinet and get the boxes out of the girls' closet! (4/4)
24.   Spend at least 45 minutes each night cleaning.

For Money's Sake
25.  Pay off Our Credit Card Debt! (Projected End Date 9/2010): (3/5 cards @ $Zero$!!)
26.  Pay off our personal debts. (Projected "Begin" Date 8/2010)
27.  Start saving for a house.
28.  Keep a monthly Financial Journal 2 months in a row (0/2)
29.  ONLY shop off a grocery list.  No 'extras'.
30.  NEVER go to Target or WallyWorld without a list. (Ha! Define "list".  Mental or physical?)
31.  Start clipping/printing and using coupons.

For 100% Selfish Reasons
32.  Get my hair professionally highlighted
33.  Go out with (at least) one friend one time each month (3/33)
34.  Go out alone with Timmy one time each month (6/33)
35.  Take one day for scrapbooking two times a year (not at camp) (0/5)
36.  Top Secret challenge... don't ask! I won't tell.
37.  Take the "Certified Car Seat Inspector" course and get ..certified! 
38.  Read one "grown-up" book a month - starting Nov09. (5/32)
39.  Read at least 3 classic-literature books (0/3)
40.  Read 2 books on the "Banned Book" list (0/2)
      (really - our library had a large display encouraging people to read the books that are 

        frequently "banned" and to encourage irradicating Censorship! It made me laugh, 
        because the "naughty" books display was right outside the children's area...)
 41.  Re-Learn very elementary grammar rules: Adverbs, when to use () and ... and ;!

For Health's Sake
I want to set 7 separate goals. If I say "Loose 75 pounds" I'll fail.
42.  Loose 10 Pounds. (0/10)
43.  Loose 10 Pounds. (0/10)
44.  Loose 20 Pounds. (0/20)
45.  Loose 5 Pounds. (0/5)
46.  Loose 10 Pounds. (0/10)
47.  Loose 5 Pounds. (0/5)
48.  Loose 15 Pounds. (0/15) 
49.  One week without ANY fast food at least once a month! (0/34 weeks)
50.  One week each month drinking nothing but coffee and water. (0/34)
51.  One week each month without chocolate or caramel. (0/34)
Develop a walking plan: 
52.  Begin with 2 times a week, 20 minutes for 2 weeks: (0/80 minutes)
53.  Move to 3 times a week for 20 minutes for 2 weeks: (0/120 minutes)
54.  Move to 3 times a week for 30 minutes for 12 weeks.(0/1080 minutes)
55.  Move to 4 times a week for 30 minutes

56.  Be in bed before 11:00pm every work-night. 
57.  Cook a Vegetarian meal once a month.

For Spiritual Growth
58.  Participate in a women's Bible study each "semester". (6/6)
59.  Begin a prayer journal on day one.  

      Write in it once a week minimum.

For Others
60.  Once a month donate to the food shelf (0/33)
61.  Donate some things for the Single Mom's Christmas party (3/3)
62.  Purchase (or make) a calendar like Joy's "Card" calendar.  

       Actually SEND the cards.  (0/33months)
63.  Participate in Angel Tree or Shoeboxes (3/3)
64.  Donate 500,000 grains of rice on (1,630/500,000)
65.  Send Three "Notes of Cheer" to a friend/loved one a month (0/99) 

For the Love of Family
66. Go on a Harriger Family Weekend - twice a year.  
    Either go somewhere (over 2 hours away) or stay home and just 
    focus on family and fun for a whole weekend.  
    Just Four Harrigers.  (0/5)
67.  Pray for my children every day
68.  Pray for my nephews and nieces every day
69.  Finish Hannah's first-year scrapbook
70.  Start Hayley's 2-5 year scrapbook
71.  Start Hannah's 2-5 year scrapbook
72.  Finish Hayley's 2-5 year scrapbook
73.  Finish Hannah's 2-5 year scrapbook
74.  Finish the "Love" scrapbook I started for Tim and my
       relationship journey.
75.  Invite Alex and Cassie for a long weekend or week with us.
76.  Let Tim take us to the Drive-In
77.  Read at least one book every night to the girls.

For the Sake of Making Things
78.  Duplicate a restaurant favorite at home using
79.  Make a dress or outfit for the girls. (0/2)
80.  Begin a quilt for Amelia before her 5th Birthday (July 2010)
81.  Finish Amelia's Quilt before her 6th Birthday (July 2011)
82.  Begin a quilt for Devin before his 4th Birthday (March 2012)

83.  Make the Taggies blankets - I have supplies for about 50. (0/50)
83-and-a-half: Think of something for Vinnie, Trinity & Maggie... if Mia & Devin get quilts, Auntie Sara SHOULD really make something for them, too!  The girls got taggies; Vinnie got a tied-fleece blanket, but I feel like they need something else.
83-and-3/4: I need to add "Finish Hannah's Quilt"!

For Fun
84.  Eat at 10 new restaurants. (2/10) 

85.  Eat at 3 restaurants in St. Paul (0/3)
86.  Learn how to crochet and/or knit.
87.  Go to the Minneapolis Institute of Art
88.  Go to the Walker Art Center
89.  Go to the Swedish History Center
90.  See one play *anywhere* in the Twin Cities
91Attend one Vikings game
92Attend one Twins game
.  Go to a karaoke night with a friend.
94.  Make a list of "Minneapolis" things that I've never done.  Do 3 of them.
95.  Make a list of "St. Paul" things that I have never done.  Do 2 of them.
96.  Make a list of "Minnesota" things that I have never done.  Do 1 of them. 
97.  Read the Dr. Seuss children's collection to my children (9/66)
98.  Read the Shel Silverstein books to the girls (0/11)

For the List
99.    Blog about each task when I am "doing" it. (0/101)
100.  Blog at least one time each month about what I am doing (0/33)
Inspire one person to make a list of their own. (1/1) Yay! Amanda's on board!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thoughts about my list.

After reading through my list, you might think "duh, doesn't everyone already do that?"

Well, no. I have always been a little domestically challenged - to no fault of my own mother!! She tried, really, she did.

I can't count all the Saturdays she stood in my doorway while I sat on the floor & cried because the room was so messy I didn't know where to start. (I could actually... every single Saturday from Kindergarten until she gave up in 7th grade).

How many times would she come in the room, make a pile & say... "Start at the top, work your way down." or "Do you want me to rent the dumpster & just tip your room into it?"

How many times did she say "move the lamp and then dust under it..." ; "No, books do NOT belong on the floor. They belong on the BOOKshelf." ; and my all time favorite, "it takes just as much time to hang (or fold) the clothes, as it does to drop them on the floor."

Well. Hopefully if I challenge myself in certain areas, I will turn the CHALLENGE into daily routine.

For example. You will see that "Recycle" is on my list. This is not easy for me. I am confused if a 2 liter of diet-coke is recyclable. I have heard the cap isn't. I have heard the coupon circulars are recyclable, but the shiny ones are not.

But then I have also heard "just dump it all in & let the recycle-guys figure it out."

So I just throw my hands up & say FORGET IT!

Example #2. Keep a monthly financial journal. Well. it takes 2 to tangle, doesn't it. It takes 2 to make the money & 2 to spend the money. It will also take 2 to keep the journal. After TEN years of marriage we haven't quite figured it out. (not an excuse, just a challenge that I'll need help with!).

So, just remember that everyone has strengths & weaknesses. Some of my weaknesses are going to be your strength. I read through a couple friends' lists & thought "wow, I can't believe she has a problem doing that..." & then remembered... "Oh, her bathroom is cleaned daily..."

Enjoy my list and watching my progress.

The Challenge

I decided to follow the footsteps of some of my friends and develop a list!

I also decided to break away from the family blog and create something just for this.

Sit back, enjoy watching me challenge myself and I hope I might inspire you to also make a list (just let me know, so I can cross #101 off!!!).