Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13: Progress Report

Last night, I accidentally tackled part of one of my 'chores'!  I was trying to store some toys away for the night & had to take a box out of the girls' closet.  Well.  I had two choices.  Put the box on top of the cabinet in my room, or... empty it.

Guess which one I did?!?!

Really? Would I be blogging about it if I just stashed it??

I went through!!!  Can anyone tell me if I NEED to keep the Time Warner cable bills from 2001 & 3 apartments ago?  Hope not!  It only took about 25 minutes.  I can't believe that if I just took a half-hour every night, I would have an emptied closet in 2 days. 

Tonight, I made Turkey Noodle soup with a recipe from the Camp Lebanon cookbook. (thank you Cheryl Lonski!) and "Granny's Chicken (turkey) Rice Squares". It was good.  I was kind of proud of Hayley.  She said, "Mommy.  This looks really good, but it doesn't taste good to me."  (of course - this was before she took a bite.)  Hannah practically licked her plate. (& Hayley's, too).

(Thank you, Monique, for showing me the rainbow font website!)

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