Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thoughts about my list.

After reading through my list, you might think "duh, doesn't everyone already do that?"

Well, no. I have always been a little domestically challenged - to no fault of my own mother!! She tried, really, she did.

I can't count all the Saturdays she stood in my doorway while I sat on the floor & cried because the room was so messy I didn't know where to start. (I could actually... every single Saturday from Kindergarten until she gave up in 7th grade).

How many times would she come in the room, make a pile & say... "Start at the top, work your way down." or "Do you want me to rent the dumpster & just tip your room into it?"

How many times did she say "move the lamp and then dust under it..." ; "No, books do NOT belong on the floor. They belong on the BOOKshelf." ; and my all time favorite, "it takes just as much time to hang (or fold) the clothes, as it does to drop them on the floor."

Well. Hopefully if I challenge myself in certain areas, I will turn the CHALLENGE into daily routine.

For example. You will see that "Recycle" is on my list. This is not easy for me. I am confused if a 2 liter of diet-coke is recyclable. I have heard the cap isn't. I have heard the coupon circulars are recyclable, but the shiny ones are not.

But then I have also heard "just dump it all in & let the recycle-guys figure it out."

So I just throw my hands up & say FORGET IT!

Example #2. Keep a monthly financial journal. Well. it takes 2 to tangle, doesn't it. It takes 2 to make the money & 2 to spend the money. It will also take 2 to keep the journal. After TEN years of marriage we haven't quite figured it out. (not an excuse, just a challenge that I'll need help with!).

So, just remember that everyone has strengths & weaknesses. Some of my weaknesses are going to be your strength. I read through a couple friends' lists & thought "wow, I can't believe she has a problem doing that..." & then remembered... "Oh, her bathroom is cleaned daily..."

Enjoy my list and watching my progress.

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